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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

28. Karolinska Institute (Sweeden)


Karolinska Institutet offers the widest range of medical education under one roof in Sweden. Several of the programmes include clinical training or other training within the healthcare system.
The close proximity of the Karolinska University Hospital and other teaching hospitals in the Stockholm area thus plays an important role during the education.
Approximately 6,000 full-time students are taking educational and single subject courses at Bachelor and Master levels at Karolinska Institutet.
Teachers at Karolinska Institutet often carry out research in parallel with teaching. This ensures that students are involved in the latest advances within the medical field. Ambitious students, teachers and researchers together create an interesting and stimulating environment.
We also offer good opportunities for international exchange, which gives students the chance to work abroad for a period of time.

Bachelor's and Master's education

In 2015 there were 6,062 full-time students at KI.
KI also offers several Master's one-year and Master's two-year programmes and single-subject courses. Most of the programmes lead to a professional degree, and several offer degrees at a Bachelor's or Master's level.
Most of the programmes leads to a professional exam. Several of the programmes also lead
general degree. In 2015, 2,824 degrees were issued to 2,105 individuals..


Research at Karolinska Institutet spans the entire medical field, from basic experimental research to patient-oriented and nursing research.
Karolinska Institutet today stands for more than 40% of all academic medical research in Sweden. 

Doctoral/third-cycle education

Karolinska Institutet carries out 12% of Swedish doctoral/third cycle education at universities or university colleges. Over 359 students take their PhD degree each year at Karolinska Institutet, after studies corresponding to four years of full-time study. Many of Karolinska Institutet´s doctoral students have taken their first-cycle education abroad.
In 2015, 2,069 individuals were active doctoral students whereof 58 percent were women. 
359 doctoral degrees were issued. KI's doctoral students have backgrounds in all academic areas, and a large proportion comes from other countries.
Doctoral studies at KI takes place in an international environment and usually within international collaborations, either informal between research groups or formal collaborations between the two universities.


Karolinska Institutet´s turnover in 2015 was SEK 6,475 million. Karolinska Institutet's total assets in foundations and funds amounted at year-end (2015) to SEK 2 323,9 million: SEK 640,9 million in funds and SEK 1,683 million in foundations.

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