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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

24. University of Edinburgh (UK)

For more than 400 years, the University of Edinburgh has explored space, revolutionised surgery, published era-defining books and introduced to the world many inventions, discoveries and ideas from penicillin to Dolly the sheep, believing that anything is possible. Our experts continue in that tradition, consistently striving to uncover the unknown, transforming science fiction into fact, and unveiling new possibilities for future generations. We embrace the vision of shared ideas and interdisciplinary research, which spans across the traditional boundaries of subject areas. Our breadth of choice in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes covers most of humanities, social science, medicine, vet medicine, science and engineering. We are in the capital city of Scotland, home to the Scottish Parliament, an ancient volcanic rock and a castle.
The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1583 and currently offers over 500 first degree programmes, spread across some 100 academic disciplines. More than 20,000 undergraduate students study here and are drawn from all over the world and from a variety of backgrounds. World renowned and well respected, a degree from the University of Edinburgh will be recognised wherever you go. The University of Edinburgh's success is not limited to Scotland, or even the UK. We have a well-deserved international reputation for excellence, as demonstrated in our partnerships with other key institutions worldwide. Many of our degree programmes offer the opportunity to spend some time studying abroad and these include student exchange agreements with universities such as CalTech, McGill University, Peking University and the National University of Singapore. Perhaps this international dimension helps explain why we have the largest proportion of international students of any Scottish university. Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city is one of the greenest and architecturally most beautiful cities in Northern Europe. Students come not only for the architecture, but for a city rich in social, cultural, and sporting facilities. The University itself hosts over 260 student societies, 65 sports clubs, 5 galleries and museums and 30 libraries.

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